Workshops and training

The Workshops and Training service aims to build capacity on contracting entities, economic operators, and other types of entities in innovation public procurement (IPP). Do you need to explore the concept of “Innovation Public Procurement” or deepen your knowledge of IPP? You can attend one of the workshops we have planned, take one of our Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), or propose a tailored training need.


The service involves holding workshops on the topic of public procurement of innovation, which may have a more general or thematic scope, aimed at capacity building and training of contracting entities, economic operators and other types of entities interested in IPP.


Features of the service

The service tends to be free and is essentially characterized by developing thematic training workshops and training sessions on IPP practices, in person, according to the following features:

The service also includes the offer of open and massive online courses, free to attend, lasting around 4h00.
Part of the service is the creation of spaces for sharing, analysis, and learning, on the topics considered most important for boosting Innovation, through public procurement.

What does the service cover?

This service offering includes:

How we work

Workshops and training in person:

Workshops and training in remote mode:

Reports on thematic training workshops for contracting entities - already held

Massive Open Online Course – MOOC

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