Resources and Information
Here you can find a wide selection of relevant resources and information for a better understanding of Innovation Public Procurement (IPP), such as: reference documents(e.g., studies, reports, articles and European legislation), supporting documentation for events and links to the various information forums on IPP (directly or indirectly).
Reference documents
- Public Procurement for Innovation Market in Portugal, 2021, a study commissioned by ANI
- “The strategic use of innovation procurement in the digital economy”, 2021, a study commissioned by the European Commission
- Portugal Country Profile
- Guidance for public authorities on Public Procurement of Innovation, 1stEdition, 2021, European Commission
- Innovation Procurement: The power of the Public Purse – EU funded projects in the ICT domain, 2021, European Commission
- OECD Public Governance Reviews – Public Procurement for Innovation: Good Practices and Strategies, 2017, OECD
- Communication from the European Commission - Pre-commercial Procurements: promoting innovation to ensure sustainable high-quality public services in Europe (COM/2007/0799)
- Communication from the European Commission - Framework for State aid for research, development and innovation (2014/C 198/01)
- Recording of the webinar 'Mysteries unveiled - Innovation Procurement in Practice: Preliminary Market Consultation', digital format, 30 September 2021
Support materials from events
- Support for “Innovation Procurement Case Studies and Practitioner Exchange between public sector organisations and innovation procurement experts”
- Support for the Seminar on Public Procurement Innovation (PPI): Horizon Europe funding opportunities
- Support for the Awareness-raising Seminar on Innovation Public Procurement (IPP)
- Support for the Theme-based Seminar - Capacity Building a Driver for IPP Transnational Cooperation
- Support for the Workshop ' Innovation Public Procurement - Portuguese Experience in H2020
- Support presentation of the webinar 'Unlock the Potential of the Innovation Partnership to boost economic recovery', digital format, 13 October 2020
- Recording of the webinar 'Unlock the Potential of the Innovation Partnership to boost economic recovery', digital format, 13 October 2020
- Support presentation of the webinar 'Laying the Foundation for Innovation Partnership', digital format, 1 December 2020
- Recording of the webinar 'Laying the Foundation for Innovation Partnership', digital format, 1 December 2020
- Recording of the webinar 'Deep Dive into the Essential Steps for a successful Innovation Partnership', digital format, 1 February 2021
- Recording of the webinar 'Mysteries unveiled - Innovation Procurement in Practice: Preliminary Market Consultation', digital format, 30 September 2021
- Workshop on "Public Procurement of Innovation - Lessons learnt from the Portuguese Participation in the CFP Projects of Horizon 2020", 20 December 2021