
Here, you can find national and European projects, with direct participation of PROCURE+i, as well as a selection of other projects or initiatives considered relevant for disseminating knowledge and practices regarding IPP.

Projects with PROCURE+i participation

Procure2Innovate aims to improve institutional support within a range of sectors that buy innovation, through the creation and expansion of competence centres for buying innovation in ten European Union member states. The project, funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, brings together a consortium of 19 partners from the following countries: Austria, Germany, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden.

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iBuy – Enhancing the role of public authorities as innovation enablers through public procurement – is an European project funded by the European Commission, which aims to develop innovative models suitable for mobilising public and private stakeholders based on the ‘entrepreneurial discovery process’ associated with research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation in the field of innovation public procurement, promoting an European perspective and ensuring the durability and transferability of the results achieved.

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The project aims to implement a pilot Competence Centre for Public Procurement of Innovation in Portugal, through the experimental introduction of best practices in innovation public procurement.

Specifically, the project aims to:

  • Set up, within existing public organisations, a competence centre for IPP, with the purpose of optimising their organic and functional model;
  • Developing and testing an offer of support services for public procurement of innovation, raising the public administration’s awareness to the subject of innovation public procurement (IPP) and its importance;
  • Empower public entities through the exchange of experiences and benchmarking of best practices developed by ANI and IMPIC’s teams, both experimenting with models to support innovative public procurement and transferring tools and methodologies that have already been validated in European competence centres for IPP, adapting them to the national context;
  • Communicate and disseminate the activity of the Competence Centre- IPP, giving access to contracting authorities and other stakeholders to appropriate knowledge and information, along with expert assistance in public procurement of innovation, as well as cooperation with other equivalent structures at European and international level.

Reference projects

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